Finding Internship Positions
Kirk Writes:
I am wondering if anyone can offer any insight into more about the production internships they offer over at EA. I really only see the Tiger Woods Golf one, which is about as good as it gets, but do they offer anymore? Is this a one intern deal? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My Reply:
The internship position I have now did not even exist before I landed itI had the good fortune of meeting the right people who offered to get me in. Keep in mind that there are lots of positions that never get advertised (my guess is less than 20% of positions in the industry are ever made public before they are filled) and some positions that are specifically created for people that have made the right friends and the right impression. You greatly limit your opportunities if you are only going for the positions that are visible through advertisements and web pages a.k.a. non-networking channels. | I’ve heard somewhere that 80% of job holders in the US got their job through a connection rather than an advertisement. The game industry places even more of an emphasis on personal connection with people they hireso that number is probably even higher. | That said, so far the only other ones I’ve seen advertised at EA have been for unannounced products with EA Partners (they handle projects that are developed by non-EA studios and they are growing fast). As far as I know, production internships are far fewer in number than those for engineering, art, and marketing. One might expect as much, considering there are often 20+ artists/engineers/marketers per production person on a team.
Updated on October 11th, 2013
Removed the link to Kirk’s email, I figure he doesn’t want to keep hearing from people through this page nor be exposed to more spam.