game, game. repeat.

How To Use Your iPhone To Record Notes

Thu 28 May 2009 #Misc


In the ’80s all the cool executive-type people carried around small tape recorders for capturing ideas any time they had them. Today we can record notes in ’00s style and have them sent straight to our email. Turns out its pretty handy to be able to quickly taking notes anytime, anywhere. You know…until you can afford a personal assistant like the really cool ’80s execs.

Directions leading to note recording bliss:

  1. buy Note2Self ($2)
  2. sync your iPhone
  3. launch Note2Self
  4. click in the middle of the screen to bring up the settings button
  5. click the settings button (upper left)
  6. set both “From Address” and “Default To 1” to your email address
  7. set the “Audio Fromat” to “Smaller File (IMA4)”
  8. set “Auto Record” to “Bring To Your Ear”
  9. set “After Recording” to “Email Default 1”
  10. click on “Done” (upper right)

Now each time you launch Note2Self, all you need to do is bring the phone to your ear and once you feel it vibrate, start talking. Bring the phone down away from your ear when you’re done recording…it will vibrate again to indicate that it’s done and then it will make a wooshing sound once it has successfully emailed your recording to you. Pop open your email and listen to your note. Cool huh?