game, game. repeat.

Sourdough Bread

Mon 18 July 2022 #Food #Recipe

Makes 8 servings.

Add starter to a large bowl. Add 350 grams water. Mix starter and water together using a spatula. Add flour. Mix using hands. Scrape hands clean. Wait 30 minutes. Add 25 grams water and 10 grams salt. Mix using hands.

Wait 30 minutes. Rinse hands in water to get them wet. Fold dough 3 times. Repeat for 6 hours, or until dough feels fluffy.

Lightly flour counter. Dump dough on counter. Shape dough into a ball and flip over. Wait 30 minutes. Flour top of dough and flip. Flour hands. Stretch dough wide. Fold over left, right, then top. Place dough it towel lined bowl. Refrigerate for 2 days.

Remove dough from refrigerator. Finish rise at room temperature, up to several hours. Put stainless steel pots in oven. Heat oven to 500 F. Pour dough into bottom pot. Place pot in oven. Place top pot over bottom pot, forming a seal. Reduce heat to 450 F. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove top pot. Bake for 25 more minutes. Remove bread from oven and pot, placing it a cooling rack. Cool for 1 hour. Serve with butter.

Adapted from Basic Country Bread in Tartine Bread.